Only certified teachers can teach Vocal Combat Technique.

Actor Training

By request: ONLINE OR in-person

We offer in-person Vocal Combat Technique classes by request. Simply let us know your location and the date you’d like to arrange and we’d be happy to discuss scheduling a class.

Teacher Training and CERTIFICATION

  • Phase One: VCT Fundamentals in Vocal Extremes

    20 hours
    Fee: $1500

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    This phase will focus on your ability to model and perform the main sounds of Vocal Combat Technique and perform the target sounds at an industry level standard. It will culminate with you performing a series of vocal extremes.

    Phase One Evaluation

    VCT teachers must be able to model the target sounds on a consistent level. You will be evaluated on your ability to perform the required sounds both in a healthy and sustainable way and to the industry standard.

  • Phase Two: Teacher Training

    20 hours
    Fee: $1500

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    This phase will focus on your ability to coach and teach VCT to other people. Sounds to watch out for, methods to guide and coach actors in session or prepare them for a session. It will culminate with you teaching a workshop or coaching an actor in the VCT basic progression.

    Phase Two Evaluation

    You will need to pass an in-person and written vocal health test. The instructor will also review your teaching, knowledge of the VCT progression, and assess your ability to go on to the next phase to be certified in VCT.

  • Phase Three: In-Person Training

    18 hours over 3 days
    Fee: $1000
    (not including travel or accommodation)

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    This phase will comprise two sections. The first is the physical methods of VCT to help actors. The second will be an exam where you illustrate your ability to illustrate the required sounds in a healthy manner both vocally and physically.

    Phase Three: In-person Final Evaluation

    Provided you completed all of the training and passed the established evaluation criteria you will be invited to participate in the final in-person training phase which is the final step to certification.

    Should the instructor feel that you are not yet ready to move on to the next phase, you will be asked to review your notes and training videos, observe prescribed classes, and then retake the test. There is no added cost to retaking the test up to two times. If you do not pass after two additional times, the VCT reserves the right to discontinue training.